List of Exibitors 2019 show
Sponsors are in bold.
Company | Booth Number(s) |
ACS Web Design & SEO | 201 |
Bridgeway Commercial Realty, LLC | 311 |
Bryant and Stratton (Liverpool Cha mber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Business Journal News Network | 401, 403 |
CenterState CEO | 700 |
Charles Signs | 200 |
ChoicePay (Town of Cicero) | 707, 709 |
CoCard Anderson (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Crunch Fitness (Locally CNY) | 214, 216, 218 |
City of Syracuse | 402 |
CNY American Society of Safety Professionals | 702 |
CNY Jazz Central | 204 |
CNY Latino | 500, 502 |
CNY Vision | 421 |
CoCard Anderson (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Cumulus Media | 615 |
D'Arangelo & Co. LLP | 514 |
Delta Airlines | 423 |
Digital Joe | 409 |
Eagle Newspapers | 416 |
Edward Jones (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Embroid Me (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Exhibits And More | 506 |
Farmers Insurance | 601 |
FranNet of CNY (Locally CNY) | 214, 216, 218 |
Fund-Ex Solutions Group, LLC | 518 |
Greater Cazenovia Chamber of Commere | 711, 713 |
Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Green Mountain Energy | 600 |
Greenfield Wireless - Cricket | 301 |
Gutter Logic | 611 |
iHeartMedia | 415, 417 |
IMS Barter | 414 |
Karate John’s (Liverpool) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Legacy Music | 607 |
Maguire Cars | 515, 517, 519, 614, 616, 618 |
Manic Merch | 511 |
Maria DeSantis Music | 205 |
National Grid | 405 |
NCM (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
New York State Fair | 210 |
New York State Insurance Fund | 710 |
Northeast Decorating & Exhibit Services, Inc. | 319, 321, 323 |
NY State of Health | 520 |
NYS Education Dept. - ACCES - VR (Locally CNY) | 214, 216, 218 |
OELS | 610 |
Onondaga County Division of Purchase | 704 |
Onondaga County Economic Development | 400 |
Onondaga County – Save The Rain | 418 |
Park Outdoor - Syracuse | 419 |
Pathfinder Bank | 504 |
Premier Promotions | 422 |
Premier Technologies - AT&T | 300 |
Primerica | 507 |
Prevention Network | 306 |
RBM - Running Boards Marketing | 215, 217, 219, 314, 316, 318 |
Rotary Club of Eastwood | 309 |
SCORE | 706 |
Seaboard Graphics / Minuteman Press | 408, 410 |
Small Business Development Center at OCC | 701 |
Spectrum Reach | 404, 406 |
Syracuse Crunch | 605 |
Syracuse Stage | 304 |
Table Hopping Media | 510 |
The MOST | 208 |
The UPS Store | 407 |
Tip Club of Syracuse | 715 |
T-Mobile | 211 |
Town of Cicero | 707, 709 |
UMEA | 717, 719 |
Universal Windows Direct | 619 |
Urban Tsyr | 508 |
U.S Small Business Administration | 705 |
Victory Promotions | 310 |
Visit Syracuse – Film, TV, Entertainment | 720 |
Visual Technologies | 501, 503 |
WISE – Women’s Business Center | 703 |
Your Nest Realty | 315 |
Zoey Advertising | 411 |
List of Exibitors 2018 show
Sponsors are in bold.
Company | Booth Number(s) |
Answer Syracuse | 105, 107, 109 |
Blue Rock Energy | 214 |
BondsExpress (Locally CNY) | 105, 107, 109 |
Business Journal News Network | 401, 403 |
Canastota Publishing Co. | 305 |
CenterState CEO / Benefit Specialists of New York | 700 |
Charles Signs | 200 |
ChoicePay (Town of Cicero) | 707, 709 |
City of Syracuse | 402 |
CNY Jazz Central | 204 |
CNY Latino | 500, 502 |
CNY Vision | 421 |
Columbia College | 704 |
Comfort Windows | 314 |
Community Bank, NA | 203 |
Cricket | 301 |
Cumulus Media | 615 |
D'Arangelo & Co. LLP | 514 |
Digital Joe | 409 |
Doyle Security Systems | 215 |
Drive Reserch | 623 |
Eagle Newspapers | 416 |
Edward Jones (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Embroid Me | 105, 107, 109 |
Exhibits And More | 509, 511 |
Finger Lakes Radio Group | 600 |
Francis Audio-Visual | 318 |
Frontier Airlines | 423 |
Greater Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce | 711, 713 |
Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
iHeartMedia | 415, 417 |
Imageprinters M&P Corp. | 604 |
IMS Barter | 414 |
J & E Media Corp | 218 |
Legacy Music | 607 |
Liberty Mutual | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Maria DeSantis Music | 205 |
Mid Lakes Navigation | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
Molina Healthcare | 407 |
NCM (National CineMedia) | 601 |
New Dimensions | 207 |
New York Life (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
New York State Fair | 210 |
New York State Insurance Fund | 708 |
Northeast Decorating & Exhibit Services, Inc. | 319, 321, 323 |
NY State of Health | 518 |
NYE Auto | 504, 506, 508, 510 |
NYS Education Dept. - ACCES - VR (Locally CNY) | 104 106, 108 |
OELS | 610 |
OneGroup | 201 |
Onondaga County - Film Commission | 420 |
Onondaga County - Save the Rain | 418 |
Onondaga County Division of Purchase | 702 |
Onondaga County Economic Development | 400 |
Onondaga Nation Arena | 104, 106, 108 |
Park Outdoor - Syracuse | 419 |
Prevention Network | 306 |
Passion into Profits | 619 |
Premier Booth | 505 |
Premier Promotions | 422 |
Premier Technologies - AT&T | 300 |
Procopio Real Estate (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 710 |
Professional Consultants Association of Central New York | 722 |
Rotary Club of Eastwood | 309 |
SCORE | 706 |
Seaboard Graphics / Minuteman Press | 408, 410 |
Securitronics (Town of Cicero) | 707, 709 |
SEFCU | 522 |
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center | 617 |
Small Business Development Center at OCC | 701 |
Solvay Bank | 507 |
Speach Family Candy Shoppe, Inc. | 206 |
Sprint by Arch Telecom | 515 |
Staff Leasing | 404, 406 |
Stanley Steemer | 310 |
SUNY Oswego | 104, 106, 108 |
Syracuse Chiefs | 219 |
Syracuse Crunch | 605 |
Syracuse Stage | 304 |
Syracuse Technologies | 519 |
The Hearth & Keepsake Village at Greenpoint (Liverpool Chamber) | 714, 716, 718, 720 |
The UPS Store | 405 |
Tip Club of Syracuse | 715 |
Town of Cicero (Town of Cicero) | 707, 709 |
Tru Soundz Entertainment | 315 |
U.S Small Business Administration | 705 |
UBS Financial Services | 311 |
Universal Windows Direct | 618 |
Vince's Gourmet | 211 |
Visions Federal Credit Union | 614 |
Visual Technologies | 501, 503 |
WCNY | 218 |
WISE Women's Business Center | 703 |
Zoey Advertising | 411 |
List of Exibitors 2017 show
Format: Company Name (Booth Number)
Business Journal News Network (401, 403)CNY Latino (500, 502)
CNY Vision (421)
Eagle Newspapers (418, 420)
Exhibits And More (507, 509, 511)
Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce (714, 716, 718, 720)
Halco Energy (409)
iHeartMedia (415, 417)
JetBlue Airways (423)
Onondaga County Economic Development (400)
Park Outdoor - Syracuse (419)
Premier Promotions (422)
Seaboard Graphics / Liverpool Litho (408, 410)
Staff Leasing (404, 406)
Summit Cars (504, 506, 508, 510)
Sustainable Office Solutions, LLC (414, 416)
The UPS Store (405)
Visual Technologies (501, 503, 505)
Zoey Advertising (411)
Format: Company Name (Booth Number)
Allstate - Regional - (218)Allstate Insurance Agency - Nick Bova (Manlius Chamber) (717, 719)
Aloft Syracuse Inner Harbor - Locally CNY (104, 106, 108)
AMF Strike N Spare - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Blue Rock Energy (214)
BondsExpress (105, 107, 109)
Bookkeeper Buddy (520)
Canastota Publishing Co. (305)
Carenet Pregnancy Center of Liverpool - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
CenterState CEO / Benefir Specialists of New York (700)
Charles Signs (200)
CNY Jazz Central (204)
CNY Payroll (714, 716, 718, 720)
Columbia College (704)
Comfort Windows (314)
Costco Wholesale Inc. (105, 107, 109)
Country Gentlemen Plumbing, Inc. (215)
Cumulus Media (615)
D'Arangelo & Co. LLP (514)
Davidson Ford - Liverpool Chamber - (714, 716, 718, 720)
Digital Hyve (407)
Digital Joe (402)
Drive Research (623)
Ed & Ed Business Technology, Inc. (310)
Edward Jones - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Embassy Suites Syracuse (519)
Finger Lakes Radio Group (600, 602)
Francis Audio-Visual (318)
Fusion Advertising (201)
FunFlicks - Liverpool Chamber - (714, 716, 718, 720)
Grandjean & Wagner/ChoicePay - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
Greater Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce (711)
Greater Cicero Chamber of Commerce (707, 709)
Greater Manlius Chamber of Commerce (717, 719)
Hampton Inn & Suites Cazenovia - Cazenovia Chamber - (711. 713)
IMS Barter (315)
Jay D'z Body Shop - Syracuse Strength - Locally CNY - (104, 106, 108)
Legacy Music (607)
Maria DeSantis Music (205)
Medicare Made Simple LLC (207)
NCM - National CineMedia (601)
New York Life - Locally CNY - (105, 107, 109)
New York State Insurance Fund(708)
Nickels Energy Solutions (614)
Northeast Decorating & Exhibit Services, Inc.(319, 321, 323)
NY State Dept. of Labor - On-Site Consultation (710)
NY State of Health (518)
NYS Education Dept. - ACCES - VR (104, 106, 118)
OELS (610)
Onondaga County Executive Department Division of Purchase (702)
Paradise Energy Solutions (301)
Paratore Signs Inc. (606)
Premier Technologies - AT&T (300)
Priority IT Works, LLC (617)
Professional Consultants Association of Central New York (722)
Rotary Club of Eastwood (309)
Salt City Comic-Con 2017 (604)
SCORE (706)
Securitronics - Cicero Chamber - (707, 709)
SEFCU (522)
SERVPRO of North Onondaga (211)
Small Business Development Center at OCC (701)
Smile-Therapy - Locally CNY (105, 107, 109)
Speach Family Candy Shoppe, Inc. (206)
Spinland Studios, LLC (210)
Spinmaker Custom Products (611)
Sprint by Nexgen Wireless
Stone Quarry Hill Art Park - Cazenova Chamber - (711, 713)
SUN - Sustainable Upstate Network - Locally CNY (104, 106, 108)
Syracuse Chiefs (219)
Syracuse Crunch (605)
Syracuse Silver Knights (619)
Syracuse Stage (304)
The Hearth & Keepsake Village at Greenpoint (714, 716, 718, 720)
The Prevention Network (306)
Tip Club of Syracuse (715)
Town of Cicero - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
U.S Small Business Administration (705)
UBS Financial Services (311)
Walcyk Financial Services (516)
Weichert Realtors -The Bollinger Group (717, 719)
WISE Women's Business Center (703)
Wysocki's Manor - Cicero Chamber - (707, 709)
List of Exibitors 2016 show
Format: Company Name (Booth Number)
AmeriCU Credit Union (510)Business Journal News Network (401, 403)
City of Syracuse and Onondaga County Economic Development (400, 402)
CNY Latino (500, 502)
CNY Vision (421)
Eagle Newspapers (418, 420)
Exhibits And More (506, 508)
Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce (714, 716, 718, 720)
Halco Energy (407, 409)
JetBlue Airways (423)
Newsradio 570 WSYR - iHeartMedia (415, 417)
Park Outdoor - Syracuse (419)
Premier Promotions (422)
Seaboard Graphics / Liverpool Litho (408, 410)
Staff Leasing (404, 406)
Summit Cars (507, 509, 511)
Sustainable Office Solutions, LLC (414, 416)
The UPS Store (405)
Visual Technologies (501, 503, 505)
WCNY (411)
Zoey Advertising (504)
Format: Company Name (Booth Number)
Alternative Power Solutions (204)AMF Strike N Spare - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Apex Solar Power (307)
BD Trauma Scene Clean, Inc. (623)
Blue Rock Energy (214)
Canastota Publishing Co. (305)
Caring Transitions of Syracuse (Manlius Chamber) (717, 719)
CenterState CEO / Benefit Specialists of New York (700)
Cocard Anderson (518)
Columbia College (704)
Comfort Windows (318)
Community Bank, NA (209)
Cumulus Media (615)
D&S Professional Services (Manlius Chamber) (717, 719)
D,Arangelo & Co. LLP (514)
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que (207)
Everson Museum (617)
Farmers Insurance (618)
FASTSIGNS of Syracuse (519)
Finger Lakes Radio Group (Locally CNY) (106, 108, 110)
Firm Insurance Agency (Manlius Chamber) (717, 719)
Flex Business Warehousing (301)
Francis Audio-Visual (318)
Grandjean & Wagner/ChoicePay - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
Greater Cazenovia Chamber of Commere (711, 713)
Greater Cicero Chamber of Commerce (707, 709)
Greater Manlius Chamber of Commerce (717, 719)
Green Light Courier Inc. (Locally CNY) (105, 107, 109)
Harding Brooks Insurance Agency (520)
Hope for Heather - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
IMS Barter (315)
Key Bank (522)
K.I.S.S. IT / LENOVO Authorized Reseller (611)
Keepsake Village at Greenpoint - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
KR Communications (310)
Live Nation (601)
Maria DeSantis Music (205)
Marriott Syracuse Downtown (306)
McClurg Remoldeling & Construction Services - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
MIC - Locally CNY (105, 107, 109)
Mid-Lakes Navigation - Locally CNY (105, 107, 109)
Mosquito Authority - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
New York Homeowners Construction Co. LLC (302)
New York State Insurance Fund (708)
Nickels Energy Solutions (614)
Northeast Decorating & Exhibit Services, Inc. (321, 323)
Northside Collision - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
NY State Dept. of Labor - On-Site Consultation (710)
NY State of Health (516)
NYS Education Dept. - Access - VR - Locally CNY (106, 108, 110)
OELS (610)
Onondaga County Executive Department Division of Purchase (702)
Onondaga Nation Arena / Tsha,Hon,nonyen,dakhwa, (602)
Paradise Energy Solutions (600)
Paratore Signs Inc. (603)
PeopleSystems NEC (215)
Pinnacle Investments - Locally CNY (106, 108, 110)
Plus Sign & Graphics (300)
Preferred Mutual (609)
Premier Technologies - AT&T - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Professional Consultants Association of Central New York (722)
Prudential (201)
Richard-Foley - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Rotary Club of Eastwood (309)
Sam,s Club (Liverpool Chamber) (714, 716, 718, 720)
SCORE (706)
SERVPRO of North Onondaga (211)
Signature Music, Inc (607)
Speach Family Candy Shoppe, Inc. (206)
Sprint by Nexgen Wireless (515)
SUN - Sustainable Upstate Network - Locally CNY (106, 108, 110)
Syracuse Business Connections - Locally CNY (105, 107, 109)
Syracuse Chiefs (219)
Syracuse Coworks - Locally CNY (105, 107, 109)
Syracuse Crunch (605)
Syracuse Silver Knights (619)
Syracuse Stage (304)
The Multimedia Group (200)
Tip Club of Syracuse (715)
Titan Security LLC (210)
Town of Cicero - Cicero Chamber (707, 709)
TracManager - Cazenovia Chamber (711, 713)
U.S Small Business Administration (705)
UBS Financial Services (311)
UnitedHealthcare - Liverpool Chamber (714, 716, 718, 720)
Verizon FiOS (218)
Verizon Wireless - Locally CNY (106, 108, 110)
Vince's Gourmet Imports (606)
Weichert Realtors-The Bollinger Group - Manlius Chamber (717, 719)
WISE Women's Business Center (703)